I Couldnt pass up these pictures they were too beautiful

Y0u cant really tell her head is shaved! wish She'd just grow it back but to each its own cant knock someone for being an individual!!

Not really sure who this is but i cropped chris brown out of the picture so maybe a model?

I don't care how many people don't like her, sorry i mean HATE ON her. Tiny is BAD and always on point with her style [from what I've seen so far] Give credit where credit is due ladies. Do you honestly believe T.I is with her just because??

Not a big fan of Rocsi ... Kinda dorky to me BUT never-the-less she her look in this picture got me. [Obviously] I hope she realizes she's WAY to beautiful to be home-wrecking and getting goverments torn apart. Deserves more than that CHEATING dog of a man. hmm the nerve!!
quick thought: What type of man brings the mistress to the HOME he shares with his family INCLUDING WIFE? A dirty no good sorry excuse for a man.... thats what type.
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