
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Photogenic or Not?

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LORD... this is so wrong. I will not clown this picture she cant help how lazy her eye is or that she look "stuck" ... i wonder did she just hop in the picture???

Fun time lmfao... fun times...

White Man's B*tch



OMG!! I remember the first time i saw one of her youtube videos on Sandrarose.com all they did was talk BAD about this pretty little girl with TALENT!!! On the blog they kept saying that its not cool to have such a young girls wearing so much make up. HATERS how about hey talk about all of the little girls in beauty pageants who have to have their faces peeled off by their moms at the end of the day.. smh. Why do people constantly try and tear down others even a child? I must say im extremely happy and excited for Miss Diva Davanna i know i WISH i could walk like that lol.

I believe if more parents supported and encouraged their daughter such as her parents have her, little girls will grow up feeling and knowing how beautiful they are. Obviously her parents realized their daughters gift and finessed it now look at her on Americas Next Top model. Probably will be the YOUNGEST girl to be aired!

Get it girl!

12 & pregnant, 11 & missing

I can understand SHIT HAPPENS but 12 and pregnant and missing along with her 11 year old sister is A LOT! Where is mommy? Hopefully, and i hate to say this but, not alive because if she is breathing and is able-bodied Why did their adoptive father "run away" with them and allow the 12 year old to miss doctors appointments. Towards the end of a woman's, or in this case pre-teens, pregnancy a lot can happen and you have to visit bi-monthly so ensure the babies health is still up to par. I Pray these girls are found quickly and safely.


Some of my Fav CELEBS they hair, style, and everything is usually 99.9% on POINT esp lala... she is UBERFAB!!