
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

iTS 0N Y0U!

i can understand how black women can find this offensive because half of me... [lol insider im mixed but im applying that in 2 ways] is sort of offended and the other half was on the floor cracking up!! i cant really pin point how i feel because it was so damn funny... lol. Well goes to show you women will do anything for a dollar! BUT ... idk shit WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT? cuz im riding the fence on this one!


So one day i was bored out of my mind and i decided to google my twitter name. WOW lol every thing ive iver posted. every picture. I was linked with people ive never even met because they were following me or we were on the same "tweet wall" becareful what u post on the internet it stays FOREVER lol. i think. SCARY SHIT. Hope i dont have any stalkers.... even tho i dont Tweet dumb stuff..!!! 


Now at first i couldnt stand this lady and her blog but lately i find my self siding with her. I honestly believe im no longer a [kool-aid] drinker. Thats what she calls ignorant, small minded people..usually black! So on her blog i ran across this ObamaCARE post. Scary stuff.  THIS IS DIRECTLY OFF SANDRAROSE.COM

Yesterday, loyal reader pointhimout left this comment under one of my Obama posts:

My understanding is the underlying purpose of this obamacare is population control.

She’s right, and that means she’s doing her research (unlike you Kool Aide drinkers). It’s right there in the 1,000 page House version of the Health Care Reform bill. Obamacare bureaucrats will make sound medical decisions for all Americans — not medical personnel, but government bureaucrats.

Someone once said: The true measure of a man can be found by who they associate themselves with.

John Holdren, Barack Obama’s “Science Czar” co-wrote a book about 30 years ago advocating forced abortions and mass sterilizations as a form of population control. The book is called Ecoscience and you can find it on Amazon.com. This guy Holdren is one of the bureaucrats who will make medical decisions for us if ObamaCare passes.

Contained within the book Ecoscience are numerous radical references to population control:

  • Forcibly and unknowingly sterilizing the entire population by adding infertility drugs to the nation’s water and food supply.
  • Forcibly removing babies from “undesirables” and putting them up for adoption
  • Legalizing “compulsory abortions,” ie forced abortions carried out against the will of the pregnant women, as is already common place in Communist China
  • Permanently sterilizing people who the authorities deem have already had too many children or who have contributed to “general social deterioration”. (that would be YOU hoodrats)
And here’s a direct quote form the book:

“Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.”

Once the blogs got hold of Holdren’s book, the White House immediately released a statement from Holdren denying that he still embraces those ideals.

Do you believe Holdren and the White House denials? These are the facts: Holdren co-wrote the book Ecoscience. He studied the practice of Eugenics (improving the population through controlled breeding). You can find Ecoscience on Amazon.com.

Do you really believe that Holdren no longer embraces those population control ideals because he now works for the Obama administration?

Please take the time to read the health care reform bill for yourself before Obama rams it through Congress.

So... with that being said. Not sure whats true and whats fake but... what do YOU think? hmmm 1 step closer to being controlled in my eyes.