Gemini man seeks to stimulate - Gemini woman seeks to incite. According to Sextrology, "the signs planetary symbol, the glyph of Mercury, represents the fairies of medieval lore, whether kindly angels or pesky insects. These air sprites alter reality by whispering ideas in one's ear and causing mischief, all of which Gem girl is endlessly guilty of."
Bottom line: Gemini female likes to stir things up - and stir things up she does.
For any of you who know a Gem girl, I'm sure that you can agree that they are loving, endearing friends - and exhausting all the same. Nothing is ever settled with Gem girl. Nothing is ever really "finished" and nothing is ever really over. It's always a work in progress with the end result being constantly manipulated by our Gem girl. Tell her she's right, and she'll find something else wrong. Tell her she's wrong, and watch her go to great lengths to make it right. Listen to her at a dinner party portray herself as a soccer mom and then watch her work the room like a vixen. Whichever side you witness will greatly depend on her use for you.
And did you know . . . no other female in the zodiac has more tendencies towards bisexuality than the Gem girl does. No real surprise, however, given her very dualistic nature. Gem girl is more stimulated by skin and touch than anything else (including penetration). She's all about "awareness" in the form of experiences.
It may truly take a lifetime for Gem girl to "synchronize" herself (if she ever does it at all.) She's forever attempting to "get it together." Gemini female can be likened to the two-faced temptuous Eve. Sextrology states, "A self empowered female, trouble making temptress or victim of humanity. Gemini is rarely the innocent she pretends to be. Even as a young girl, she's often attracted to older, slick, if not outright shady types on whom she develops killer crushes, seemingly seeking sweet corruption. She can be a dream come true or your worst nightmare. And Gemini Eve might even turn around and toss the apple at the innocent guy she, herself, seduced into action."
She is mutable (changeable, random) air and fire with the sign being masculine from the zodiacal perspective. You'll hear the Gemini female saying this a lot, "Just deal with it." And if you're involved or in love with one - you'll have to learn to do that. She's a subtle trouble maker and she may play her hand so closely to herself, that you'd be hard pressed to come up with evidence to prove her bad behavior. She's operating behind the scenes, in the confines of her own mind, and silently, subtly manipulating those around her like pawns in a chess game. Spin-meister extraordinaire.
Gemini's age range is associated with that of a 14-21 year old - the stage in life when one is in flux between remaining a child or becoming an adult. Everything is BIG with Gem girl. She can create drama at the drop of a hat and will usually do so quite skillfully if not even comically. She longs for "experience" in the most raw forms. Experience "incites" Gem girl. It educates her, it propels her, it fulfills her - it's all about the experience of it all. Not necessarily the end result so much as what she has learned throughout the ordeal. Because chances are, even if Gem girl gets what she wants in the end - she'll soon realize that it isn't what she wanted at all and she'll be back to her old tricks again. Seeking and creating experiences of all sorts around her, good, bad and ugly. It doesn't matter because it's the experience itself that drives her.
Her number is 3 which represents the past, present and future. The number of pro-creativity and that of the renewal of life. Her psychology is dual-natured fluxing between passive/aggressive mentalities and many may secretly suffer from personality disorders or manic depression due to the constant conflict within.
Most often, Gem girl as a child is left to her own devices. Mom is usually caught up in her own situations or dramas and dad is basically an absentee, usually involving himself in some sort of covert activity of his own. And even though she's very independent, it leaves her feeling often overlooked. As a result, if Gem girl has siblings - look out. This flighty little bird will shove them right out of the nest. She craves every bit of attention from her parents that she can churn out of them.
She'll put her parents through the ringer with her behavior as an adolescent and her early choice in men. She's attracted to hoodlum types and rough necks. You see, she's CURIOUS. She longs for experiences and the education they bring and her curiosity early in life usually leads to heartache.
Her turn ons are: married men, seduction, one night stands, exhibitionism, quickies, teachers or professors, role play, light touches, quick licks and kisses, being on top, being in control, bossing in the bedroom.
Her keywords are: Coy, vulnerable, manipulative, curious, intimate, whimsical, nervous, aroused, excited, touchy feely, volatile, agitated, flirtatious, divided, conflicted, skeptical, defiant and instigating. Sextrology states that Gemini rules the central nervous system and mercury, her ruler, rules the brain and communication, physical changes and the growth and development of intelligence.
Gem girl is star-crossed and internally conflicted. She is forever moving between "getting it together" and inciting a riot in order to bring about change. She's vulnerable and friendly, she's conflicted and skeptical. And if you have a Gem girl as a friend (and I do, and I love her endless dramas to laugh and learn with her through) - you will NEVER have a dull moment.
John Lennon sang, "You say you want a revolution . . . " If that's the case, better call a Gem girl.